Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Discover the collective agreement of Hotels, Cafés and Restaurants

In the sector of the’In the hotel and restaurant industry, the particularity of the services offered to the customers obliged the leaders to take particular provisions as regards working conditions. In this environment where schedules, wages and hiring are so subject to seasonality, the’establishment of’A collective agreement has made it possible to smooth out the practices of the different sectors of the economys and, for the employees, to s’The collective agreement can be based on a clear and objective legislation.

The collective agreement for hotels, cafés and restaurants completes the possibilities of the employees of all companies concerned and protects them from any abuse by the employer. Wages, notice periods, resignations and dismissals, a review of a collective agreement with broad and indispensable applications.

Qu’Is it true that’a collective agreement ?

A collective agreement is a text that brings together the’all the agreements made between the social partners of the company’a branch or’a sector of’activity. Its objective is to complete the Labor Code and to protect the employees. It generally consists of a set of social protections, minimum wages or training rights.

A signature, it s’It applies to all employees of a company’including fixed-term contracts and periods of employment’test.

The collective agreement is always endorsed by the authorities and therefore has the force of law. As such, it must be applied in all companies concerned and made available to employees by a clear and regularly updated display if necessary. The collective agreement can regulate the work of the workers’all the practices of the hotel industry’s sector’national scale as in the case of the Hotel – HCR collective agreement’This is the case for the Hotel – HCR collective agreement, but it can also be limited to a region due to local particularities.

Hotels, Cafés and Restaurants

The collective agreement for hotels, cafés and restaurants

The collective agreement for hotels, cafés and restaurants was signed on April 30, 1997 and extended in December of the same year. This so-called “framework” agreement governs social relations between employers and employees in France for all companies whose employees are employed by the company’The main activity is the supply of food, the sale of beverages and the sale of goods’accommodation. It therefore concerns traditional restaurants, pubs, cafés-restaurants, discotheques, but also prefecture hotels or caterers organizing receptions.

The provisions contained in the law are intended to protect the employees of the sector’apply to the’It also covers all the personnel of these companies, including maintenance, engineering and technical staff’It also covers the administrative staff. The text was signed for an indefinite period but it can be denounced and then re-evaluated by the trade unions’The agreement was signed in 1998 by the’SNRPO organization. Its provisions provide many benefits to employees.

What are the advantages for ?

The collective agreement for hotels, cafés and restaurants includes a wide range of rules specific to the particular working conditions of the sector. The first d’between them concerns overtime. These are authorized on the condition of’The bonus can be compensated by time off or an increase in salary, depending on the number of years of service’hours worked.

To benefit from the’In both cases, a notice period must be respected’one year of contract on the date of payment of the bonus.

The agreement also governs dismissal and resignation practices. In both cases, a notice period must be respected, which is the same as the one that applies to the other’indexed on the’s seniority. Also, the number of non-working days depends on the employee’s situation and of the’activity of the’In both cases, a notice period must be respected, which is the same as the one required for the dismissal of employees.

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